Women In Aerospace Event
Throughout the year, WIA’s leadership develops a series of high impact events for WIA members and the general public. With events ranging from keynote addresses featuring high-level government experts to panel discussions focused on industry trends, the events attract a diverse audience of industry and government attendance.
Become a Highly Valued Member of Your Team
Robin Butler
What’s the premium that you place on your value? Have you considered what you bring to your organization and your value in general. What are the thoughts and ideas that you propose to foster communication and collaboration among diverse teams?
Valuable team members are collaborators, communicators, and connectors. As connectors, they partner to promote value of everyone’s voice, problem solving, flexible thinking, and morale building when things become challenging. Highly valuable team members are trustworthy and help the team to focus on the overall vision and mission. In this session, we will discuss and explore the characteristics of highly valuable team members, because comprehending your value simply makes good ¢ent$.