Women in Hypersonics- grants to empower everyone

Women in Hypersonics connects regional and local organizations with funding to empower everyone to accelerate the progress of hypersonics in the United States

Women in Hypersonics, in partnership with GrantStation, is empowered with a new grant seeking platform- contact us today for grant seeking assistance.

Grants and other types of funding are available from national, regional, and local foundations, corporate giving programs, religious funders, associations with grantmaking programs, and other grantmakers from the following private and government databases.

  • U.S. Charitable Giving

  • U.S. Federal Grants and Loans

  • U.S. State Grants and Loans

  • Canadian Charitable Giving

  • Canadian Government Grants and Loans

  • International Charitable Giving


Dr. Gillian Bussey, Deputy, Chief Science Officer, U.S. Space Force, to present at Hypersonic Weapons & Emerging Technologies Summit


DOD Cornerstone Consortium Award to The American Ceramic Society for workforce training programs on materials for hypersonic applications