Hypersonic and High-Temperature Gas Dynamics (AIAA Education)
AIAA Education: Hypersonic and High-Temperature, Gas Dynamics
About the Author
John D. Anderson, Jr. earned his PhD from The Ohio State University and is the Curator for Aerodynamics at the Smithsonian s National Air and Space Museum (NASM) and professor emeritus in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. He served as an Air Force officer at Wright-Patterson AFB and later chaired the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Maryland. He occupied the Charles Lindbergh Chair at the NASM from 1986 1987. His numerous publications include such books as Fundamentals of Aerodynamics and Introduction to Flight. He s won the joint American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and American Society of Engineering Educators Lee Atwood Award for excellence in aerospace engineering education and AIAA s Pendray Award for aerospace literature. He is an Honorary Fellow of the AIAA and a Fellow of both The Royal Aeronautical Society and the Washington Academy of Sciences.
Hypersonic and High-Temperature Gas Dynamics, Third Edition is a successful, self-contained text for those interested in learning hypersonic flow and high-temperature gas dynamics. Like previous editions, it assumes no prior familiarity with either subject on the part of the reader. It provides a cohesive presentation of the fundamentals, a development of important theory and techniques, a discussion of the salient results with emphasis on the physical aspects, and a presentation of modern thinking in these areas.
This book is designed for two roles:
As an effective classroom text that can be used with ease by the instructor, and understood with ease by the student
As a viable, professional working tool for engineers, scientists, and managers who have any contact in their jobs with hypersonic and/or high-temperature flow This third edition has been updated throughout and features new figures and examples, along with a user-friendly interior design.
Chapter 1 Some Preliminary Thoughts
Part 1: Inviscid Hypersonic Flow
Chapter 2 Hypersonic Shock and Expansion-Wave Relations
Chapter 3 Local Surface Inclination Methods
Chapter 4 Hypersonic Inviscid Flowfields: Approximate Methods
Chapter 5 Hypersonic Inviscid Flowfields: Exact Methods
Part 2: Viscous Hypersonic Flow
Chapter 6 Viscous Flow: Basic Aspects, Boundary Layer Results, and Aerodynamic Heating
Chapter 7 Hypersonic Viscous Interactions
Chapter 8 Computational-Fluid-Dynamic Solutions of Hypersonic Viscous Flows
Part 3: High-Temperature Gas Dynamics
Chapter 9 High-Temperature Gas Dynamics: Some Introductory Considerations
Chapter 10 Some Aspects of the Thermodynamics of Chemically Reacting Gases (Classical Physical Chemistry)
Chapter 11 Elements of Statistical Thermodynamics
Chapter 12 Elements of Kinetic Theory
Chapter 13 Chemical and Vibrational Nonequilibrium
Chapter 14 Inviscid High Temperature Equilibrium Flows
Chapter 15 Inviscid High-Temperature Nonequilibrium Flows
Chapter 16 Kinetic Theory Revisited: Transport Properties in High-Temperature Gases
Chapter 17 Viscous High-Temperature Flows
Chapter 18 Introduction to Radiative Gas Dynamics
Appendix A Creating Hypersonic Flow in the Laboratory
Appendix B Creating Hypersonic Flow in Flight
Appendix C Hypersonic Aerodynamics on the Computer