Hypersonic Systems Initiatives at the University of Notre Dame address technical challenges to develop hypersonic flight

The Notre Dame Hypersonic Systems Initiative engages the University's broad expertise in engineering and science to address the technical challenges of developing efficient, hypersonic flight vehicles.

The Initiative fosters a “system-of-systems” approach that recognizes the interdependence of the different design elements, and provides coordination at their interfaces.

In November 2018, the University of Notre Dame unveiled the largest quiet Mach 6 hypersonic wind tunnel in the country, supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. To further engage the University’s expertise for developing efficient, hypersonic flight vehicles, Notre Dame has launched the Hypersonic Systems Initiative.

The Notre Dame Hypersonic Systems Initiative includes more than 35 researchers from the College of Engineering and College of Science. The Initiative aims to be a catalyst for new cross-cutting hypersonics research that pools resources while also fostering a “system-of-systems” approach that recognizes the interdependence of different design elements and provides coordination at their interfaces.

“Hypersonic flight in the atmosphere poses a number of critical technological challenges that requires a multidisciplinary approach,” said Thomas Corke, Clark Equipment Professor in Engineering and director of the Hypersonic Systems Initiative. “The Notre Dame Hypersonic Systems Initiative will act as a hub to better integrate all the different areas of expertise to address the needed technology development.”

The Initiative engages Notre Dame researchers within 10 different areas of expertise: aerodynamics, thermal protection, materials, structure, manufacturing, signatures and long-range diagnostics, propulsion, energy storage, communication, as well as flight control, guidance, and navigation. The faculty, staff, and students working within these areas will collaborate across disciplines and with other universities, government, and industry stakeholders.

Notre Dame is currently partnered with Purdue University to develop a Mach 8 quiet wind tunnel, and a quiet Mach 10 tunnel located at Notre Dame. The Notre Dame tunnel Is expected to be completed in the early part of 2023. To learn more about the Initiative, please visit hypersonics.nd.edu.


Brandi Wampler / Research Communications Specialist

Notre Dame Research / University of Notre Dame

brandiwampler@nd.edu / 574.631.8183

research.nd.edu / @UNDResearch

About Notre Dame Research:

The University of Notre Dame is a private research and teaching university inspired by its Catholic mission. Located in South Bend, Indiana, its researchers are advancing human understanding through research, scholarship, education, and creative endeavor in order to be a repository for knowledge and a powerful means for doing good in the world. For more information, please see research.nd.edu.


NMSU engineering making a niche in hypersonic research and education


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