Mach 5 and Beyond: Hypersonic Warfare, Missile Technology and Global Strategic Implications

By Richard Skiba

This book provides a comprehensive exploration of hypersonic technology, focusing on its growing significance in modern warfare. It is structured into five parts, each addressing a different aspect of hypersonic weapons.
Part I lays the foundation, explaining the definition, types, and characteristics of hypersonic weapons, such as glide vehicles and cruise missiles. It covers the physics of hypersonic flight, the challenges posed by extreme speeds, and the materials needed to withstand such conditions. A detailed analysis of propulsion systems like scramjets and ramjets highlights future innovations in this field.
In Part II, the book delves into the development and testing of hypersonic weapons. It explores their evolution, from Cold War-era experiments to modern programs led by the U.S., Russia, and China. Testing facilities and challenges associated with high-speed flight, such as wind tunnels and simulation tools, are discussed in depth.
Part III addresses the military and strategic implications of hypersonic weapons. It emphasizes their offensive capabilities, the difficulty of defending against them, and their role in global power dynamics. The global arms race is examined, with a focus on how hypersonic weapons fit into national defence strategies, and the delicate balance between conventional and nuclear systems is considered.
Part IV outlines the technical challenges and countermeasures to hypersonic weapons, including detection and interception difficulties. International collaboration on missile defence and the ethical and legal concerns surrounding these weapons are also explored.
Finally, Part V looks to the future, discussing emerging technologies, the potential for space-based hypersonic platforms, and the changing nature of warfare in a hypersonic age. The book concludes with insights into the future challenges and opportunities presented by hypersonic weapons in global security.

About the Author

About the author

Richard has developed various peer-reviewed research articles and presentations (25+), covering a diverse range of topics in vocational education and training, workplace safety, and related fields. Richard's work delves into trauma-informed approaches, blockchain technology in the transport industry, vocational education in construction, hydrogen-related activities, adaptation of qualifications, migrant worker safety culture, emotional intelligence in corrections, assessment models, silica risk management, crane operator training, conflict de-escalation, health and safety training environments, carbon capture and storage technology, water industry cybersecurity, bushfire mitigation, and adult learning principles in high-risk operations. Additionally, Richard has explored economic recovery through managing vocational education, crush injury prevention, and assessment practices aligned with competency-based training. Some of these studies were presented at conferences in London and Chicago.

Richard has worked on a large range of health and safety projects of national significance, with over 30 years’ experience in the vocational education and training sector. Richard has led and participated in a series of projects related to vocational education and training and health and safety, particularly in the context of high-risk work licenses and disaster recovery.

Richard has an academic background in education and training, sociology, business and a range of vocational studies.

As an author Richard produces books that delve into a range of subjects in depth that present topics in a manner to not only illuminate novices to the topic of concern, but are developed with sufficient rigour to be able to be used as text books within the disciplines concerned.


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