Tactical Missile Aerodynamics - Progress in Aeronautics and Astronautics Vol. 104
AIAA Publication 1986 - Edited by Edited by M. J. Hemsch and J. N. Nielsen.
The Women in Hypersonics book club is reading volume 104 of the progress in astronautics and aeronautics journal, titled "Tactical Missile Aerodynamics.", published in 1987. The volume contains nine chapters updated from the first edition and chapters on drag prediction, component build-up methods, Euler methods and Navier-Stokes solvers. Special attention is paid to nonlinear flow phenomena and unconventional airframe shapes. Eight color plates and more than 540 figures are included.
When I viewed this journal on the Cambridge University Press website, there's a small tab at the bottom of the page called “metrics”, and the data reveals a fascinating trend, tracking the number of full text views and abstract views, starting from 2016. The number of views of the abstract, and the full text, has been rising steadily since 2016.
Data tracking the number of full text views and abstract views, starting from 2016, of Tactical Missile Aerodynamics. Progress in Aeronautics and Astronautics Vol. 104. Edited by M. J. Hemsch and J. N. Nielsen. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc, New York, published1986.
This volume contains a paper by R.D. Neumann and J.R. Hayes, Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Wright- Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, titled “Introduction to Aerodynamic Heating Analysis of Supersonic Missiles” . The paper is referenced on Internet Archive, as part of a “Missile Aerodynamics" course, held at the Von Karman Institute (VKI) in Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium, from March 30 to April 3. I987.
This particular book, a hard cover journal, has an interesting ex-libris page, indicating it was part of the Litton data systems engineering technical library. I remember the days of engineering libraries and exploring in the stacks of books and flipping through journals. A new print version of volume 104 can be purchased from the Cambridge University Press. Used hardcover volumes of later editions are found on Amazon, edited by Michael R Mendenhall.
About the authors and editors
M. J. Hemsch, from PRC Kentron in Hampton Virginia and J. N. Nielsen NASA Ames Research center, Moffett Field, California.
The series editor in chief, for progress in astronautics and aeronautics, is Martin Summerfield, from Princeton Combustion Research Laboratories, Incorporated.
The series associate editors are Burton I. Edelson, from NASA, and Allen E. Fuhs, naval post graduate school, and Jack L. Kerrebrock, from MIT.
Assistant series, editor Ruth F. Bryans.